Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina

vladimir putin

Cred că preşedintele Băsescu se bazează sigur pe ceva când acuză Magyarország de export de instabilitate în zonă.
În termeni de real politics hai să tranşăm problema primatului în Dacia Felix:

Attila mergand calare, intalni o apa mare
Oparit la cur, la coaie,
vrea sa faca el o baie.
Cand sa iasa el la mal,
pula haine, pula cal…
Cine-a fost primu-n Ardeal?

Băsescu plays big şi îndemnând Moldovenilor să ceară unirea cu România. Probabil că i-o fi spus Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina ceva…

Cum învăţăm pe copiii noştri engleză? Simplu: povestiţi-le basme Engleze!



   Once upon a time in a remote village near a big lake was living an old Lady. Her name was Grosse mutter Lina… She had a very clean wooden house, with a red roof, large windows and beside all, a nice garden in front of it… plenty of flowers were all around Grosse mutter Lina in all colors… Well, together with her were living Prikindell, her grandson and Prikindyka, her granddaughter.

   One day Grosse mutter Lina called PRIKINDELL and PRIKINDYKA

and told them: “I have to leave till the noon to buy some flour and sunflower oil in the next village!” “Take care of my twenty ducks you know, the ten white ducks and the ten black ones!”

   “Yes Grosse mutter!” the children replied

So Grosse mutter Lina left the yard, holding in her hand a white basket…


Soon, PRIKINDELL and PRIKINDYKA started to play in the garden with all the toys they had. Little by little, they began to pay less attention to the farm yard… BIG MISTAKE! The Red Cunning Bad Fox was just around and soon she succeed to steal three ducks: two white and one black…


When after a while PRIKINDELL and PRIKINDYKA ceased their game they noticed that something is wrong… Fortunately they were both good students so were soon able to tell how many ducks were missing…


But how they will be able to find them?


They were so upset…

    when suddenly, a very short old man, wearing a long white beard, dressed in a weird green coat, red pants and having a very tall red hat with large brim showed up in front of them.



   “My name is Rumpelstiltskin and I can find, of course, your lost ducks under one condition.. I will run for five minutes around the lake and if, but if you’ll be able to call me back, I will bring you the stolen ducks…

… And he disappeared..

PRIKINDELL and PRIKINDYKA were looking one to another and briskly, almost in the same time they got the same idea:

  “We both went to the English classes… what would be to separate Mr. Rumpelstiltskin name in syllables… Well, seems like Rum-pel-stilt-skin…”


PRIKINDYKA said “I will remember the first two syllables and you the next two…”

“Good idea” PRIKINDELL replied and both kept looking to the weird short creature how he was running around the farm and much more running straight to the forest next to it! I forget to tell you that little man was not very honest!


The children in their despair started to shout the syllables they knew:

“RUM – PEL”  …    “STILT – SKIN”


Suddenly the miracle happened: the two white ducks and the black one appeared! But there was no trace of the imp…


 Probably Rumpelstiltskin brought them back from The Red Cunning Bad Fox…unfortunately even in our days nobody can say if Rumpelstiltskin still exist…





Actually, PRIKINDELL and PRIKINDYKA are undercover names for PIŞPIREL and PIŞPIRICA.



Matei Mihai geniul caricaturii româneşti… Oare ce-i face Ponta lui Antonescu?

Matei Mihai geniul caricaturii româneşti...

Pe unde o mai fi D.l Crin Antonescu? Vă mai amintiţi de el?

Serios, poate a păţit ceva. E ca în bancul ăla cu un canibal tânăr şi-unul bătrân care-l sfătuia: „Trebuia să-l mănânci şi tu pe X că nu-i simţea nimeni lipsa!”



Timpul nu mai are răbdare… Altă ştire vine pe bandă rulantă: A DISPĂRUT CONTRACTUL CU FIRMA BECHTEL! Până şi eu, ca român bătrân am rămas cu gura căscată… Suntem formidabili, sper ca Oficialii NATO să stea mai departe de românii noştrii, că se vor prosti „di tăt”… mai ales dacă le trimitem căteva femei ofiţeri „sublocotenent” care să le destăinuie strategia noastră de captare a atenţiei investitorilor arabi îi zăpăcim total… Nu de alta dar NATo e garanţia noastră strategică… Deci în afară de trei miliarde de Euro deja plătite, se dovedeşte acum că nu răspunde nimeni de inexistenţa autostrăzii…. e ca în bancul cu Împăratul Trajan şi Apolodor când îl tot întreba dacă ştie „să facă podu'”



Ideea de a bate prea multă monedă pe activitatea unui comandant de lagăr, recte Alexandru Vişinescu nu e tocmai productivă. Personajul este şi a fost „mentally challenged” O spune Corneliu Coposu. Dar cei care l.-au numit în acea funcţie, toţi alogeni, sunt în umila mea opinie mai vinovaţi. Şi uitaţi-vă cum ne punem iar Evreii în cap. Sper că nu i-am vorbit de rău…


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